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A few words of Indonesian

Languages in Indonesia

The language you will hear the most during your holiday in Indonesia is the Bahasa Indonesia. It is the official language since 1945. The origins to the language are diverse: Arabic, Chinese and even Latin! Most of the inhabitants of the archipelago are fluent, they learn Bahasa Indonesia at school, but there are more than 700 local dialects used in the country.

The elderly, born before the 50’s, didn’t get a chance to go to school and only speak local dialects. Youth will talk in English with you. Whatever their age, most of the Indonesians will use local dialects in their daily life.

Below are a few words to get you started…

Key words in Bahasa Indonesia

Reception Kembali
Hi Salam
Hello Selamat pagi / siang / sore / malam
Goodbye (if you’re leaving) Selamat tinggal
Goodbye (if you’re staying) Selamat Jalan
Thank you Terima kasih
Yes Ya
No Tidak
Well Bagus
Ok Okedeh
How are you ? Apa kabar ?
Excuse me Permisi
Sorry Maaf
I am British Saya dari Inggris
My name is... Nama saya…
I don't understand Saya tidak mengerti

Questions / Pertanyaan

Can you help me? Bisa bantu saya ?
Do you speak English? Apakah kamu bias berbicara bahasa inggris ?
Can you repeat please? Bisa tolong di ulang ?
Can you speak slowly? Bisa bicara lebih pelan ?
Can we stop for a minute? Apakah kita bisa berhenti untuk beberapa menit ?
Can we stop to take pictures? Apakah kita bisa berenti untuk mengambil poto ?
Where can we find…? Dimana kita bisa cari…
Do you have postcards? Apakah kamu ada perangko ?
Do you have stamps? Apakah kamu jual kartu pos ?
How? KBagaimana ?
Why? Kenapa ?
When? Kapan ?
Where? Di mana ?

Time and meeting point

Could you please wake me up at 8 tomorrow morning? Bisa tolong bangunkan saya jam 8 pagi besok ?
Let’s meet at 10AM tomorrow Besok kita bertemu jam 10 pagi.
Let’s meet here in…. Kita bertemu lagi disini setelah…
Can we stop at… Apakah kita bisa ke / melihat…
How long is it to get there? Berapa lama perjalananya ?
What time is it? Jam berapa, ya ?
Tomorrow Besok
Yesterday Kemarin
Tonight Malam ini
Today Hari ini

At the restaurant / Di warung makan

ENGLISH Bahasa Indonesia
Do you have coffee/sandwich? Bisa order satu kopi / sandwich ?
Can I have breakfast/lunch/dinner? Saya mau makan pagi / siang / malam.
How much is it? Berapa harganya ?
Eat Makan
Drink Minum

Useful words

Train station stasiun kereta
Airport Airport
Price Harganya
Spoon Sendok
Fork Garpu
Knife Pisau
Glass Gelas
Bank Bank
Post Kantor pos
Doctor ODP - Dokter
Hospital Rumah sakit
Bill Billnya / Notanya
Stop Stop
Washroom Jorlon
Pharmacy Apotek
Toilet paper Tissue
More Lebih
Less Kurang

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