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Travel to Tibet

Charlotte, Tibet Travel Expert

Shangri La, the Promised Land: an apt moniker for the land of Tibet. Numerous monasteries and temples with fluttering Buddhist flags dot the mountainous landscape of Tibet, adding an aura of serenity to the ruggedness.

Known as the ‘Roof of The World’, a trip to Tibet takes you past untouched plains home to yaks and the tents of nomads, turquoise lakes that glitter in the mountain light, and over high passes brightly coloured with prayer flags. Despite the political tension between Tibet and China, Tibet retains its sheer beauty and magic. Yet another mysterious region in the realm of the Himalayas, Tibet is known to house the mythical and sacred Mount Kailash, known as the abode of Lord Shiva, the destroyer of evil. Long winding canyons and crystal clear lakes reflect the towering whiteness of the ensconced mountains. Contact us to create your tailor made trek or tour to the highest land on earth.

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Travel to Tibet

Travel to Tibet

Travel to Tibet

Travel to Tibet with a specialized travel agency

Tibet is special for a number of reasons, from the snowcapped mountain peaks, to the enchanting villages ruled by spirituality, to the glittering lakes, but it is the people of Tibet who make this place so special with their unquestionable joy for life.

Tibetan lands

Protected by the fortress of the Himalayas, Tibet has long had a special place in the Western imagination. Carrying many sobriquets such as the ‘Land of Snow’, the ‘Roof of the World’ or ‘Shangri La’, Tibet remains shrouded in an aura of enigma. Travel and explore this land of wonder and hope from the Lhasa Valley to the foothills of the Himalayas. The views of the Himalayas from the Tibetan Plateau are unforgettable and will remain imprinted in your mind, much like the sight of the Tibetan side of Mt Everest which can only be described as magnificent.

The people of Tibet

Tibet is adorned with mesmerizing landscapes, epic mountain vistas and temples and monasteries which instil a sense of spirituality, but the moments you share with the locals of Tibet are what really create the lasting memories and keep people returning to this land of wonder and adventure. Whether you share tea with someone in a Lhasa teahouse or sit and drink yak-butter tea with a monk in one of the remote monasteries, these precious moments fill you with joy as you travel through these lands. The people of Tibet welcome you into their country with open arms and broad smiles, full of hope despite the decades of political turmoil and hardship that they have endured. These authentic interactions are intensely inspiring and are not to be missed.

Where to go whilst in Tibet

Most holidays to Tibet begin in the aforementioned Lhasa Valley where the Potala Palace stands. This palace is the former residence of the Dalai Lamas and many monks still come here for pilgrimage every day and bring life to this most magical place. Travel onwards to the foothills of the Himalayas where you will discover endless monasteries decorated in brightly coloured prayer flags which sway in the mountain wind. Travel to Tibet to allow yourself to bask in the magic of a land that has not yet revealed all of its secrets. Allow yourself to be charmed by the smiles of locals and be touched by the sacred character of Mount Kailash. Boasting landscapes of rare beauty, Tibet will move you, speaking to your inner child who never tires of excitement!

Contact us today to start planning your holiday to Tibet.

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7 reasons to travel to Tibet

7 reasons to travel to Tibet

  1. Landscapes on the ‘Roof of the World’ are breathtaking, dotted with heavenly mountains and sparkling glacial lakes

  2. Soak up the religious fevour at the temples and monasteries and travel to the monastic cities to understand the Tibetan Buddhist culture

  3. Travel the impressive Himalayan highway, aptly named the friendship road between Kathmandu and Lhasa

  4. Discover Tibet’s traditional magic during the Saga Dawa festival, one of the most important festivals in Tibetan Buddhism

  5. Trek through one of the most mythical places of the Himalayas and watch sunrise from the Everest Base Camp

  6. Experience the spirituality surrounding Mount Kailash during "kora" a pilgrim lasting three days around the holy mountain

  7. Stay in in remote cliff-side retreats, away from other tourists and experience the real Tibet
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Our suggestions for tailor-made tours to Tibet

Mountains and Monasteries in Tibet
13 days / from £1819
On the Roof of the world
Couples trip
14 days / from £2030
Trekking in Tibet
Trek & Hiking
19 days / from £2456
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